Monday 5 March 2012


  • Taking photos for music magazine
  • Recording clips for music video
  • Writing magazine article
  • Taking photos for digipak and poster
  • Designing digipak and poster
  • Designing music magazine
  • Uploading pictures, clips and music
  • Editing the music magazine and the clips for the music video
  • Adding effects
  • Adding the music to the clips
  • Rendering the clips
  • iMovie for editing both the preliminary film and the music video
  • Photoshop to edit the photos for the digipak, poster and music magazine

How has your view of editing changed over the two years as you progressed with different programmes?

I gradually got worse with editing over the two years. (Though it is true that I improved from the preliminary magazine to the music magazine, but it was all downhill from there.)

1 comment:

  1. Ella!!!! If you write this in the exam, it will not do you any favours. Try to respond positively. You CAN say that you intended to have simple edits, cross-cutting, not too fast a pace, that editing was more of an important process at A2 to convey meaning to the audience etc etc.

    Please post your Narrative Prezi and essay.
