Wednesday 25 January 2012

DJ Danger Mouse - 99 Problems

The most obvious aspect of the song '99 Problems' by Danger Mouse from 'The Grey Album' being postmodern is its reuse of things that already exist and mixing them together- music from The Beatles and Jay Z. The song is one of the 'mash ups' on the album, which essentially combines hip-hop music (Jay Z's The Black Album) and rock music (The Beatles The White Album) and being no coincidence, comes to be The Grey Album. Due to postmodern being linked largely to the mixture of various different things and genres within one product, the song and album as a whole basically conforms to it. Danger Mouse clearly does not try to hide the fact that he has copied the music from other artists, as this was precisely his point, as he freely mixed two songs from two popular genres in music.

1 comment:

  1. He also takes elements from seemingly completely incompatible sources (think that just a few short years later the kerfuffle over JayZ playing glastonbury which resulted in this response from JayZ). Look back at the table we drew in class about the difference between modernism and PoMo and see where this fits in.
