Wednesday 6 July 2011

Response to Preliminary Task

For the preliminary task, as a class we made a music video for 'What I Go To School For' by Busted. We had done this for the introductory preliminary task so this time I knew the lyrics. I found it quite enjoyable to do, though sometimes it would take a while to get each shot done. We also had to rush it all to get it done in two lessons, so I think it would have been a lot better with more time. This gave me an idea of what it will be like when we make our own videos though, but will have a lot more time to do so. I didn't realize how many shots there are and how difficult it is, and I was only an 'extra' in the preliminary, so I can tell that it will be a lot harder in the real thing. We had to consider everything properly and co-operate with each other, which is harder than it sounds.
We then had to edit these the shots into a video in pairs. I found this difficult, as it was hard to get it all in sync and in the right places. Again, it gave us a taster of the real thing though, so it was good.


  1. Thanks, Ella. I like the feel of your A2 blog. Make sure you upload the class Busted video too.

  2. Right all of you. Here are some female bands/vocalists. I've put your initials by bands I think you might be able to tolerate.

    (JAK/EP/JR) The Breeders are a good Girl band (two girls, two boys but female vocals). Singer used to be the basists in the Pixies. (Cannonball) (Huffer, absolutely brilliant song)

    (JAK) If you want a bit more poppy like MGMT then Brazilian band CSS are ok (Death from above)

    (JAK JR) Or The Naked And Famous (not sure you'll all like this)

    (JAK) If you want British and obscure then Internet forever feature a female vocalist and are excellent (Cover the walls)

    (JAK) Or of course you've got Crystal Castles (Crimewave)

    (JR EP)If you fancy a duet between male and female then there is the beautifully twee Belle and Sebastian (Womens Realm)

    (JR) Or Ex Lovers (You Forget So Easily. Just a silhouette is better but there is no official video

    Or the XX for heavens sake! (Girl and Boy again) (VCR)

    (EP JR) The Kills are amazing (Superstition) (Black Balloon)

    What I'm basically saying is that there are loads of brilliant female vocalists.
