Saturday 6 August 2011

Analysing Green Day- Basket Case Video

The entire music video relates to the song, in lyrics and in beat. From the start you can see that the video will illustrate the lyrics to the song as the song itself is called 'Basket Case'; which basically means being 'unable to cope' and the music video is set in a mental institution, so there is a great reference in the mise-en-scène alone.

The video and lyrics have a slightly comic feel to it at first; it was filmed in black and white and then had bright colours edited in, which contributes to the surreal effect, making everything seem demented and out of place.
Billie Joe, the lead singer, uses facial expression and his eyes in particular to amplify the meaning; when he says "neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it", his eyes show neurotic qualities and he is looking around as if highly paranoid. This links to how the song is about Billie Joe's struggle with anxiety and emotional instability generally, which is addressed all the way through the video.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Coursework Schedule

G325 Advanced Portfolio Cw Schedule Sept - Dec11 Lutterworth College

Response to Preliminary Task

For the preliminary task, as a class we made a music video for 'What I Go To School For' by Busted. We had done this for the introductory preliminary task so this time I knew the lyrics. I found it quite enjoyable to do, though sometimes it would take a while to get each shot done. We also had to rush it all to get it done in two lessons, so I think it would have been a lot better with more time. This gave me an idea of what it will be like when we make our own videos though, but will have a lot more time to do so. I didn't realize how many shots there are and how difficult it is, and I was only an 'extra' in the preliminary, so I can tell that it will be a lot harder in the real thing. We had to consider everything properly and co-operate with each other, which is harder than it sounds.
We then had to edit these the shots into a video in pairs. I found this difficult, as it was hard to get it all in sync and in the right places. Again, it gave us a taster of the real thing though, so it was good.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Storyboard for Busted Music Video

Response to Lip Syncing Task

As an introduction to the preliminary task, we did lip syncing in groups to the song 'What I Go to School For' by Busted. I didn't know the lyrics, as Busted is not a band that I have ever been interested in, so I had to learn them. It turns out that they were easy to remember, so I think that overall, the lip syncing task was quite easy. However, I think that it will actually be fun when we do our own videos and get to choose a song that we like.