Saturday 6 August 2011

Analysing Green Day- Basket Case Video

The entire music video relates to the song, in lyrics and in beat. From the start you can see that the video will illustrate the lyrics to the song as the song itself is called 'Basket Case'; which basically means being 'unable to cope' and the music video is set in a mental institution, so there is a great reference in the mise-en-scène alone.

The video and lyrics have a slightly comic feel to it at first; it was filmed in black and white and then had bright colours edited in, which contributes to the surreal effect, making everything seem demented and out of place.
Billie Joe, the lead singer, uses facial expression and his eyes in particular to amplify the meaning; when he says "neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it", his eyes show neurotic qualities and he is looking around as if highly paranoid. This links to how the song is about Billie Joe's struggle with anxiety and emotional instability generally, which is addressed all the way through the video.